
Thursday, June 30, 2011

how it happened

The seminar on the Epinomis is already history.

However, the blog will be developed further more for several months,

firstly, because there will be some follow ups - as a volume with the Bulgarian translation of the dialogue and the commentary on it by Marsilio Ficino;

and secondly, because we, the organizers, amused ourselves very much
with the preparation and the real happening of the event and now,
when it is over, we don't want to detach ourselves so quickly
from the work on it.

As it usually happens, there were some colleagues, who in the very last moment were impeded to come, so the actual programme was like that:

Seventh seminar of the South East European Association for Ancient Philosophy
The Epinomis – the last dialogue of Plato?
Text, translations, interpretations
Sofia University St Kliment Ohridsky
22 – 24 June 2011

The seminar was organized by the Department of Classics, Faculty of Classical and New Philologies and the Department History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy

Place of the seminar: The central University Building, called “Rectorat”
Hall No1 – all the three days of the seminar

22nd of June

10.00 a.m.: official opening, lead by Dr. Nevena Panova

Official welcome words:

* by the vice-rector Prof. Dr. habilis Anastas Gerdjikov,
from the Department of Classics,

** by the Chair of the Department History of Philosophy,
Assoc.Prof. PhD Dimitar Denkov;
by the director of the masters’ programme in Ancient culture and literature
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolai Gochev

10.30 – 13.00: First session, moderated by Pavel Gregorić

Introduction to the dialogue and interpretation of section 973a-974d
by Richard McKirahan

13.00-14.30 – lunch break

Second session, moderated by George Karamanolis

14.30 – 16.30 :

section 974d3- 979d5 – interpretation by István Bárány; discussion;

16.30-17.00 – coffee break

17.30-19.00: interpretation of section 979d6-981b2 by Nevena Panova and discussion;

23rd of June

Third session, moderated by Mehmet Erginel


interpretation of section 981 b3-982e6 by Dimka Gocheva and discussion;

11.30-12.00 – coffee break

12.00- 13.30 :

interpretation of section 982e7-984d2 by Luka Boršić and discussion;

13.30-15.00 – lunch break

Fourth session, moderated by Dimitar Iliev

15.00 – 18.00

Interpretation of section 984d3-988e2 by István Bodnár and discussion;

18.30 – 20. 00 – RHIZAI - meeting

24th of June

Fifth session, moderated by Dimka Gocheva

10.00 – 11.30

Interpretation of section 988e3-991b4 by Péter Lautner and discussion

11.30 – 12.00 – coffee break

12.00 – 13.30 –

interpretation of section 991b5-992e (end of the dialogue) by Filip Karfík
and discussion

13.30-15.00 break

Final session, moderated by Nikolai Gochev

15.00-16.30 – presentation of a paper on
Marsilio Ficino’s commentary on the Epinomis
By Zornitsa Radeva and Bogdana Paskaleva

16.30-17.00 – coffee break

17.00 – 18.30

*assembly of the core-participants of the SEEAAP for the choice of the next year’s topic;

After the election, which happened in two-steps procedure, it was decided:

The theme of the next SEEAAP-seminar will be the early work De philosophia of Aristotle; but the place and the exact time will be determined later.

25th of June – everyone was free :-)


From Greece:

Prof. Richard McKirahan – teaching in Pomona University, USA; translator of the dialogue;

Dr. George Karamanolis – teaching in the University of Crete;

From Croatia:

Dr. Pavel Gregorić – University of Zagreb;

Dr. Luka Boršić - Institute of Philosophy, University of Zagreb;

From Hungary:

Dr. István Bárány - Eötvös University, Budapest;

Assoc. Prof. István Bodnár - Eötvös University and CEU, Budapest;

Mr. Kosztasz Rosta – doctoral student in Eötvös University, Budapest;

Assoc. Prof. Péter Lautner – Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba;

From the Turkish part of Cyprus:

Dr. Mehmet Erginel – teaching in the Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta;

From the Czech Republic:

Prof. Filip Karfík – teaching in Université de Fribourg;

From Bulgaria:

Assistant Prof. Dr. Nevena Panova - from the Department of Classics,

Assistant Prof. Dr. Dimitar Iliev - from the Department of Classics,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimka Gocheva - from the Department History of Philosophy,

Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Gochev - from the Department of Classics,

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Christov – from the Faculty of Theology;

Lyuba Nikiforova, Zornitsa Radeva and Bogdana Paskaleva – already masters in the SU;

Veronika Kelbecheva - PhD candidate from the Department of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Philosophy;

Vyara Kalfina - PhD candidate in ancient culture from the Department of Cultural Studies;

Assistant Prof. Kamelia Spassova - PhD candidate from the Department of Ancient and Western Literature, Faculty of Slavonic Philology;

all of them from the University of Sofia;

Divna Manolova - doctoral student in the CEU, Budapest and teaching assistant in Sofia University;

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the program of the seminar

Вижте по-голяма карта

The Epinomis – the last dialogue of Plato?
Text, translations, interpretations
Sofia University St Kliment Ohridsky
22 – 24 June 2011
The seminar is organized by the Department of Classics, Faculty of Classical and New Philology and the Department History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy

21st of June
arrival of the foreign colleagues and accommodation

Place of the seminar: The central University Building, called “Rectorat”
Hall No1, or the First Hall – all the three days of the seminar

22nd of June
10.00 a.m.: official opening, lead by Dr. Nevena Panova
Official welcome words by the vice-rector Anastas Gerdjikov
and the directors
of the masters’ programmes in Ancient culture and literature,
and History of philosophy.

10.30 – 13.00: First session, moderated by Pavel Gregorić
Introduction to the dialogue and interpretation of section 973a-974d
by Richard McKirahan
(The moderator of each session and the colleague, who analyzes the given section, will decide whether they will make some short breaks between the interpretation and the discussion)

13.00-14.30 – break

Second session, moderated by George Karamanolis
14.30 – 16.30 :
section 974d3- 979d5 – interpretation by István Bárány; discussion;

16.30-17.00 – coffee break

17.30-19.00: interpretation of section 979d6-981b2 by Nevena Panova and discussion;

23rd of June

Third session, moderated by Mehmet Erginel
interpretation of section 981 b3-982e6 by Dimka Gocheva and discussion;

11.30-12.00 – coffee break
12.00- 13.30 :
interpretation of section 982e7-984d2 by Luka Boršić and discussion;

13.30-15.00 – lunch break

Fourth session, moderated by Voula Tsouna
15.00 – 18.00
Interpretation of section 984d3-988e2 by István Bodnár and discussion;

18.30 – 20. 00 – RHIZAI - meeting

24th of June

Fifth session, moderated by Gábor Betegh
10.00 – 11.30
Interpretation of section 988e3-991b4 by Péter Lautner and discussion
11.30 – 12.00 – coffee break
12.00 – 13.30 –
interpretation of section 991b5-992e (end of the dialogue) by Filip Karfík
and discussion

13.30-15.00 break

Final session, moderated by Nikolai Gochev
15.00-16.30 – presentation of a paper on
Marsilio Ficino’s commentary on the Epinomis
By Zornitsa Radeva and Bogdana Paskaleva

16.30-17.00 – coffee break

17.00 – 18.30 – two parallel assemblies:

*assembly of the core-participants of the SEEAAP for the choice of the next year’s topic;
**assembly of the current students, alumni and alumnae of the Masters’ programme in Ancient culture and literature;

The one of them will be again in First Hall and the other – in the Library of Classics;

25th of June – everyone is free :-)


From Greece:

Prof. Richard McKirahan – teaching in Pomona University, USA; translator of the dialogue;
Prof. Voula Tsouna – teaching in the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA;
Dr. George Karamanolis – teaching in the University of Crete;

From Croatia:

Dr. Pavel Gregorić – University of Zagreb;
Dr. Luka Boršić - Institute of Philosophy, University of Zagreb;

From Hungary:

Prof. Gábor Betegh – Central European University, Budapest, Hungary;
Dr. István Bárány - Eötvös University, Budapest;
Assoc. Prof. István Bodnár - Eötvös University and CEU, Budapest;
Mr. Kosztasz Rosta – doctoral student in Eötvös University, Budapest;
Assoc. Prof. Péter Lautner – Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba;

From the Turkish part of Cyprus:

Dr. Mehmet Erginel – teaching in the Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta;

From the Czech Republic:

Prof. Filip Karfík – teaching in Université de Fribourg;

From Bulgaria:

Dr. Nevena Panova, Assoc. Prof. Dimka Gocheva, Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Gochev, Assoc. Prof. Ivan Christov – all of them from the University of Sofia;

Zornitsa Radeva, Bogdana Paskaleva – master-students in the SU;
Probably Vladimir Marinov from the NBU – still not confirmed;

And many other (curious) colleagues, expected (especially) during the first day;

the poster for the seminar is created by Assoc. Prof. Violeta Gerdjikova from the Department of Classics